Thursday 28 April 2016

Earthquakes Vocal Challanges

In Earthquakes in London two of my three characters have accents, Mrs Andrews is Scottish and Maryna is Polish. In order to make these characters as realistic as possible I decided to look into how to produce a convincing accent for both parts.


To start off with, some of the letters in words are pronounced differently:
  • ts in “kits” would sound like "c"
  • ee in “meek" would sound like "i"
  • y in “you” would sound like "j"
  • v in “vet" would sound like "w"
  • i in “ink" would sound like "y"
Sometimes when  and vowels are next to each other they have their own combined sound:

bi – like b in “beg.”
gi – like g-y in “beg you.”
ki – like ke-y in “like you.”
mi – like m-y in “charm you.”
pi – like p-y in “stop you.”

To start off with, their is a different placement of words in your mouth when doing a Scottish accent:

  • Keep your lips out and open your mouth as if to get your lips around each sound and word
  • When you speak, pull your tongue back toward your throat. Doing this will help you get the harsher, guttural sounds associated with Scottish accents.
  • "u" sounds as "oo" 
  • Drop the 'g' sound from words ending in a 'g.' 
  • Roll your "r's"

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