Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Vocal excersies

Here is my structure plan in which I will do to strengthen my voice.

1. First I will do some stretches by reaching for the sky and using alternate hands to do so. This move will start to open up the intercostal muscles in my rib cage. The intercostal muscles support our lungs and diaphragm so that we can talk and breath correctly. I will also do some neck stretches by looking up to the ceiling and down to the floor. This will stretch my neck muscles and help to start warm up my voice box.

2. Next I am going to tap at my chest, nose and head resonators so that they start to open up. As I do this I will make a low, Nasal and high noise so that it truly stimulates these individual areas.

3A. Then I am going to start humming in a very low register. This will hopefully in time help me from talking so high when I am on stage. Using lower tones in these exercises will hopefully stay in my muscle memory so that the next time I go on stage I should sound lower.
B. I have also found relaxing the body does help me to lower my voice as I am not as nervous when I speak so I have purchased some incense sticks that I can use on show days in order to calm me down. I could do this on the morning of the show so I am already relaxed before I even arrive for the performance.

4A. I would next try some controlled breathing exercises. I would start of by breathing in for 2 beats, holding for 2 and letting out for 2. Then would try breathing in, holding and breathing out for 5 and then 8 and finally 10. Each time I would make sure that I fill up my lungs till their full and then release every breath completely. I hope this will help me with breathing as I often run out of breath when I speak for long periods of time.
B. I also could go through some of my scripts, texts or monologues and try taking a pause to breath after every punctuation mark. I know this exercises would take a long time to do but it hopefully will get stuck in my muscle memory and I will eventually remember to breath when I am talking for a long time.

5. Finally I would repeat the tongue twister "red lolly, yellow lolly" and "red lorry, yellow lorry". I would do this because I always find this specific tongue twister difficult and it will also help me with diction for on the stage.

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