Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Title and order

When considering our working title 'the clique of love', we decided that we needed to change it as it was originally writ as a joke between the cast and the title didn't really relate to our piece. We came up with many titles however we witled it down to 3. The first was 'something about a gang' which related to the theme of mafia and it was quite vage about what the piece was about like our performance is quite vage. The second was 'crimes of feeling' which related to the idea that the men all go to prison for have love in some why or form. The third was 'have you been uptown' which related to the original stimulus that inspired our whole devising piece. After considering the titles we kind of came to the conclusion of 'something about a gang' however Logan suggested that we could call the piece 'insert title here'. This was relevant as it shows how our devising piece is all about interpretation of a stimulus and so it could be seen in a different way to the audience. Mike then thought we could ask the audience at the end to name the performance due to what they think it is about. So we decided to use this one as our title as it leaves them considering what our performance is about.

Scene ordering:
Our scene order is as follows
1. Fireflies - the game of tag
2. Slip - james and yazmin's duet with Logan
3. Cat house - five chair dance scene
4. Infinity - club scene of cat and mouse with forced entertainment movement
5. Duets - Pau and Chloe, me and Rhys, Becca and Mike, Chloe and Logan
6. Hang on - clock work fight scene to James
7. Battle cry - three dance/fights duets
8. Benny hill - comedic chance scene into capture
9. Court room scene - men are sentenced and go into the audience

We also had other scene called forced comadia when we all portrayed comadia characters like zanni's and harlequins but we were all being killed of in a forced entertainment way. This scene was created before we created the theme of our performance so it doesn't fit with the performance. We did try to link it through love and people being killed for love however it still didn't link and we didn't have time for it in our performance as it has to 30 minutes long.

So as a solution we had to cut it out even though we all loved the scene and it linked to one of our favourite styles of physical theatre.

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